Consulting & Therapeutic Education

clinical consulting

Nicole provides tailor made consultation services to life coaches, business mentors, educators and other professionals interested in bringing a trauma informed approach to their relationships with clients.

Points of contact between clients and various professionals are often missed opportunities for people to gain motivation for change or be referred to appropriate resources in crisis situations.

Non-counselling professionals may experience a sense of worry or nagging after thoughts when clients who trust them disclose troubling situations they are facing in their lives. Professionals may wonder if they responded appropriately or whether their clients are objectively safe. Basic assessment skills and understanding duty to report, as well as how to go about reporting in a way that best preserves the integrity of the client relationship, can go a long way in quelling those worries.

After extensive training and experience in multi-disciplinary mental health settings, Nicole managed and supervised a team of counselling professionals and was responsible for ensuring that legal, ethical and safety issues were recognized and responded to appropriately. She can help professionals gain a clear sense of direction and process when handling safety issues or other sensitive matters.

Nicole provides a respectful and relaxed collegial space for professionals to assess their skills, explore their responses to client disclosures and enhance the areas that are most meaningful to the work they do.

          Book a no-fee phone consultation to discuss your needs and see if it is a good fit for you or your team.

Group Therapy Programs

  • Trauma Self-Care and Skill Building Mini Groups
  • Navigating Relationships, Boundaries and Love and Self-Care
  • Building Emotional Fluency – a group for men who want to deepen their relationship with self and others

Trusted Professionals

If you are a practitioner who offers complimentary services and you would like to collaborate with Clear Coast or become a trusted referral, we would love to hear from you!


Clear Coast offers customized consulting and training services in the area of workplace stress and wellness, mental health and addiction in the family, trauma and PTSD. We collaborate with other practitioners, community leaders and employers to ensure the highest level of care is offered to those we serve. This also allows us to make skillful referrals to other practitioners and organizations to connect clients with a wider range of services in order to achieve maximum wellness. If you are a practitioner, community leader or employer and would like information about consulting or training please contact Clear Coast. 


The BARS are 32 points on the head, that when gently touched allow the release of whatever is keeping someone stuck in order to live in true choice and possibility. Come and learn how to gift and receive this powerful self-care tool. Classes are one day and a $350 investment. This includes a practitioner certificate with your name on it and means you can offer it to others for a fee as well as trade for ongoing Bars sessions with other practitioners so that you never have to pay for a Bars session again! Classes are available upon request to couples, families, or small groups. Children under 12 years of age attend free of charge. Please contact Clear Coast to request a class.

Therapeutic Educational experiences

Are being crafted behind the scenes!!

"Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith."
— Margaret Shepard

Get in touch

--Not accepting new clients at this time.
Check back here for reliable updates.--

Office Hours are Monday to Wednesday 9am-5pm and Thursdays 9am-3pm (with the exception of stat holidays). Messages received outside these hours will be returned on the next office day. Thank you.
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Office location

550 - 2950 Douglas Street,
Victoria, BC V8T 4N4

Free Parking
Wheelchair accessible

Located at the Evergreen Business Center, behind Lifestyle Markets in the upper level of the Douglas Center.